The Other Side

With everything that is going on around us most people can’t help but focus on all the negativity.

What if I asked you to name a few positive things going on in your world?

Do you think you would be able to do that?

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Rebecca GoldbergComment
How are you REALLY feeling?

For some people, feelings and emotions are quite easily acknowledged yet for others it’s more difficult to get in touch with what’s really going on inside of them. In order to try and regain balance and clarity in your life try asking yourself - how do I feel right now?

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Rebecca GoldbergComment
Stop The Negative Self-Talk

How many times have you said to yourself or someone else, “Oh, I’m no good at that” or “I just can’t seem to get myself organised, what’s wrong with me”?

There are so many negative things we say to ourselves that it becomes almost natural after a while…

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Rebecca GoldbergComment
Let's Get Started!

OK so you want to get organised, sure who doesn’t? You think of all the things you want to do and all those things you really know you should do but haven’t got around to doing as yet.  Unfortunately somewhere along the way your inspirational ideas and motivation to make changes just seem to get lost….

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Rebecca GoldbergComment