Be Happy With Less

Over the days, years and months we all seem to accumulate so many different things - ranging from the latest gadgets and accessories to new clothes and shoes.  There are things you might buy for your home; new appliances, towels and sheets and general nick knacks.  Like to collect cook books or books in general? What about magazine subscriptions? And what about the gifts you’ve been given and the numerous items you’ve bought on sale just to score a bargain?

I have one question to ask you … How much do you really need?

Are you really happy having a home that is bursting at the seams with lots of items that you may use one day? And you need to ask yourself, will you REALLY use them?

Now I’m not saying that everything has to go because there are obviously many items that we all NEED to be able to live.  But how much of all the other things are necessary for us to live happy and fulfilling lives?  I can tell you, not much!

There are those of you who are probably thinking, well I have the money so why shouldn’t I be able to buy these things? 

Others of you may not be able to afford everything that you buy and have a credit debt so large that you are continually trying to pay it off.

If you have the money available then sure, enjoy! But also make sure to pass on the items that are no longer in use.  For example, if you’re buying the newer version of an item then surely the old one is never going to be used.  And old clothes that are sitting in your closet just gathering dust are pointless.  What about endless magazines that just accumulate over time and are never looked at?  I’m sure there are many more items you can think of in your own home.

On the other hand, if you’re struggling to afford something then weigh up whether it’s really worth buying.  Is it just going to create stress and worry which you really don’t need?  Why try to keep up with the Joneses and buy things just because other people have them? It’s really not worth it.

Just be happy being yourself.

Be happy with less.

Your home should be a place of pride and joy.  Every room should be inviting and refreshing.

Display the things you love.  Use the things you love.  Keep the things you love.

If you look around and don’t love the things in your home then ask yourself, why are they there?  Why am I keeping them?

And you can’t say that you love everything in your home because keeping things piled on top of each other, stuffed in cupboards or who knows where just shows that these things aren’t really ‘loved’.

Be honest with yourself - your house is not going to expand itself, so every special item needs to have a place and room around it to breathe. 

If it doesn’t have a place, then it’s obviously not that important to you and should really go.

Work out how much stuff you really have room for and get rid of the rest – sell, donate or recycle as much as you can.

I promise that you will not miss the things you let go.   

Over time you will begin to appreciate the things that you have and realise the things are no longer worth keeping.

Once you start to let go and realise that it’s not such a daunting process you’ll continue to get rid of more things that you don’t really need.

Just give it a try and don’t look back!

Rebecca GoldbergComment