Stop The Negative Self-Talk

How many times have you said to yourself or someone else, “Oh, I’m no good at that” or “I just can’t seem to get myself organised, what’s wrong with me”? What about, “Gosh I’m helpless, there’s no way I’m going to get this done”.

There are so many negative things we say to ourselves that it becomes almost natural after a while.  Quite often we don’t even realise what we are doing, but what we actually ARE doing is putting ourselves down through negative self-talk.

Now you might be thinking, well I’m sure that a lot of people say things like that, it’s not just me.  You’re absolutely correct! You’re definitely not the only one, but what is important to realise is that negative self-talk can be damaging to your life, as talking to yourself in this way pushes you further away from your goals.

By putting yourself down and talking to yourself in a negative way you are encouraging negative feelings, thought patterns and emotions.

How are you supposed to get organised and make positive changes to your life when negative thoughts continually come to your mind?

Based on the laws of attraction: like attracts like, meaning one type of thought attracts another:

Positive thoughts attract positive thoughts…positive feelings…positive outcomes


Negative thoughts attract negative thoughts …negative feelings…negative outcomes

If you had to choose which type of thought you’d prefer to have I’m sure you’d choose positive without a second thought!  As such, it’s really important to try and shift your views from a negative to a positive focus so you can then attract positive changes and a positive outlook.

By doing this you will really notice a change in the way that you perceive your home, how you think about getting organised and the world in general.  It really will change your life.

Changing the way you think can take time and focus but in the long run it’s definitely worth it.

Here are 3 simple steps to help you get started:

  1. At the end of each day write down at least one thing you are grateful for.

  2. If you notice a negative thought come to your mind counteract it with a positive thought.

  3. Make a list of what you want to organise in your home.  Set yourself easy goals and positively reward yourself once you’ve achieved them. Tell yourself how proud you are.

Keep yourself motivated and re-read all the things you are grateful for if you feel as though you are going backwards. Even a small change is a change in the right direction.

I hope that this blog encourages you to start thinking more positively and to make positive constructive changes to your life.

Now there’s no reason you can’t start to get organised!

Rebecca GoldbergComment