Time To Take A Break

How many times do you stop and take a break - actually stop and take time out just for yourself?

What do you do for yourself that makes you happy?

It could be as simple as going for a walk down the street or on the beach or going out for a drink with your partner or friends.

What about a massage, gym session or going to see a movie by yourself without any distractions?

Better yet, when’s the last time you turned up the music and danced like nobody was watching?

So many times in life we prioritise others wants and needs over our own. Whether it be at work, with family, friends, our children or even grandchildren, we tend to make excuses about not having enough time.

I hear this excuse constantly, but realistically life is never-ending and there is always something to do or somewhere to go. The truth is that if there’s something we want to do with our lives then we can make the time to fit it in.

Unless something is urgent and needs to be done immediately, it can wait.

To be the best person you can be it’s absolutely necessary to make sure you look after yourself just as much as those around you - and taking time out for yourself is part of that process.

If you’re tired, exhausted, run-down, anxious, stressed out or continually busy, then there’s a good chance you’re not functioning at your best capacity and this doesn’t help you or anyone else around you. Taking time out for yourself is really important and could help get you back on track, especially in today’s society when our lifestyles are seemingly so active and demanding.

You may think that doing something for yourself is selfish but taking time out is a form of self-love.

By creating space for yourself you’re honouring your needs – and your needs are just as important as anyone else’s.

If you’re not doing it already, I challenge you to do something for yourself once a day, or at least once a week to start with.

The more you take time for yourself the better you’ll feel and the more balanced you’ll be.

If you had 15 or even 30 minutes a day to do anything for yourself what would it be?

Could you schedule it into a lunch break or even wake up a bit earlier and do it first thing in the morning?

Just by reading this blog you’ve already taken a few minutes out of your day to do something for yourself – yay!

What are you going to do next?