How are you REALLY feeling?

For some people, feelings and emotions are quite easily acknowledged yet for others it’s more difficult to get in touch with what’s really going on inside of them.

Some people may even be feeling mixed emotions at any one time and find it hard to deal with everything going on.

If you or someone you know is unwell at this time it can also be very difficult to deal with how you are feeling and any concerns you may have.

In order to try and regain balance and clarity in your life try asking yourself:

How do I feel right now? Why am I feeling this way?

Even just getting a pen and paper and writing down your emotions might help you to understand and process what you are feeling that much easier.

Someone might ask you: How are you going? How are you feeling? etc. A quick response might be “I’m fine” or “Everything’s great” when sometimes it actually isn’t. Although you may feel the need to let people think the opposite.

You may get caught up in an unreal reality-based mindset. For example, looking at social media can sometimes lead you to think that people are having the time of their lives and everything looks so perfect for them when that is not always the case.

People only post what they want you to see and sometimes it’s not the whole story.

We all have our good and bad days, and no-one is ever really happy all the time.

Whatever you are feeling is your feeling and no-one else’s.

There is no right or wrong way to feel at any one time.

It’s important to accept however you feel, to own it and be OK with it.

In terms of negative feelings, the more you try and push away or ignore how you truly feel, the more your feelings may grow and manifest and this can end up affecting many areas of your life including your body, health, relationships and long-term outlook.

On the other hand, the more you accept and acknowledge how you truly feel, the easier your feelings are to release and the less chance they have of a longer lasting effect.

If any of this resonates with you, I would recommend finding a family member, friend, colleague or professional; someone that you can trust and open up to about your feelings.

Talk about how things are going in your life – sharing the good and the bad.

Chances are you’ll find someone that’s feeling the same way as you.

You can even write a letter to someone about how you are feeling. You don’t need to send this letter, even just writing it can help you feel that much better. You can even burn the letter when you’re done to release your feelings.

It is my hope that you never feel alone because there is always someone out there to talk to, there is always someone out there to listen.

It’s times like these we need to look after each other and be there for one another – to listen without judgement and with an open heart.

Wishing you good health and happiness.

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