The Other Side

With everything that is going on around us most people can’t help but focus on all the negativity.

What if I asked you to name a few positive things going on in your world?

Do you think you would be able to do that?

For every negative thing that happens in your life there’s also a positive side to it, you just have to look deeper.

So, what positive things are going on in the world right now?

Here, let me help you out:

  • Acts of kindness – It’s amazing to see how many people support one another in times of need. This can also inspire others to do the same.

  • Appreciation – As things become scarce (or appear to) people realise even more so how lucky they are. People are more grateful and appreciative for the little things in their lives.

  • Better hygiene – If anything, people focus on having healthier habits, such as making sure their hands are being washed after blowing their nose, coughing, touching dirty surfaces (or surfaces that they think may be dirty) etc. Some of us might think that these actions are commonsense but for many people they are not.

  • Less Pollution – With fewer vehicles on the road and planes in the air we are actually lowering greenhouse emissions and helping to heal the planet.

  • Mindfulness – So many people are also more mindful of how they live and how dependent they are on the things that they have. This applies to food, resources, people etc. When thinking about how much food you have, how much you consume, how much money you spend and your actions overall, you also realise how much you can really influence the people around you and the world at large.

  • Connectedness – Everything that is happening in the world right now is happening to ALL of us. It doesn’t matter who you are or where you live. It shows us that we are all connected, we are all sharing the same experiences and we are all in this together. So next time you think of us all being separate, think again.

  • Increased Family Time – With family members unable to go to work or school, families are now spending more time together, possibly more than they have for a very long time. It’s a great bonding experience for everyone. Why not play a board game together, play in the park, go for a bike ride or have a dance party in your home?

  • Cleaner homes – With the focus on hygiene, cleaning products, hand wipes and disinfecting almost every surface in our home, things are naturally going to be that much cleaner. However, we can’t sterilize everything and that’s good, because some germs are actually good for us!

  • Tidier Homes - We all gradually accumulate things in our lives (some more than others!) and now we have a chance to really go through and declutter things that we no longer use or need. This creates space in our lives for other amazing things to come in.

  • Rest – Some people that have being working so hard now have a chance to rest and take time out for themselves.

  • Life Review – People get a chance to stop and think about where their lives are going. When life moves so fast, we don’t have a chance to really evaluate where we are in our lives and what changes we may want to make. People have the opportunity to think about their lives in a different way and the chance to do something about it. Lots of things are going online – think about taking your business online or starting your own online business.

  • Extra time! - You know those things you love to do but never get the time? Now you have that time! Here are some ideas:

-          Read a book

-          Build a puzzle

-          Go through your cookbooks and finally make that recipe you’ve been thinking about!

-          Go through your photos and collate an online photo book or album

-          Work in the garden or grow your own vegetables

-          Do some sewing

-          Start an online course

-          Watch a movie or series

… and I’m sure you can think of other examples that I haven’t mentioned above.

In this current environment where it’s easy to think negatively, STOP!

Stop and think about how your situation could be re-framed into a positive outcome, either for yourself or someone else.

There is ALWAYS another way to see things.

*I’d love to hear how you’ve transformed something negative into a positive in your life! *

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