Top 5 Relationships Tips

With everything going on in the world right now many people’s lives have been turned upside down. Whatever you may be going through at this moment it’s really important to make your relationships a top priority. As social beings we crave human interaction and it’s important to make these interactions as meaningful and positive as possible. There are many ways to do this and below are some tips to help you get started and support you on your journey.


Accept others for who they are, faults and all. It’s important we realise that people are who they are, and one person’s fault may be seen as another person’s strength. Don’t try to change someone– rather see and focus on their positive traits. Why not try and see how things you may view as negative can actually be re-framed as a positive?


Try and see things from the other person’s perspective. Quite often we see things the way we want to see them as opposed to how they actually are. You know the saying there are two sides to every story? Well, some people also say there’s a middle part too. Don’t just assume your way is the right way - there is always another way to see things if you look a little deeper. Looking at things from another point of view can give you a perspective you never even thought of.


Treat people as you would like to be treated yourself. We all have the same needs and desires even though we may go about achieving them in different ways. Just as everyone deserves respect, they also deserve to be heard. How can we expect people to treat us in a certain way if we don’t behave that way towards them in the first place?


How do people best respond to communication? Are they most sensitive to the visual, auditory or kinesthetic sensations? Visual people respond best to facial expressions and body language. Auditory people rely on tone of voice, language and rhythms. Kinesthetic people respond best to touch. Some people might also be a combination of the above. Find out which of the above stimulus the person you’re communicating with is most receptive to, be conscious of how you interact with them using the above styles as a guide, and you will be more effective in your communication.


Making time for others and communicating is really important. Talk about your day, the good and the bad. Talk about your feelings. Talk about your goals and dreams. When you talk to someone you realise that you are not alone. Likewise, let the other person talk and listen to them as they open up to you. Be that support system for each other.

If any of these tips resonate with you, give them a try.

See how they can make a difference to your life and your relationships with others.

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